*You can click on the picture for the actual size, if cannot let me know.. (^^)
OK~ The pictures I uploaded are what I have in my camera..
I'll be receiving the rest of the photos *by Keith and Chris* this weekend from Andrew, so no worries, more to come~!!
So yeah, do stay tuned for more lo~!!
Have a nice weekend ahead!
See ya all in church~
God bless~
The beginning of day 2..
Waiting for the activities to start...
Everyone's busy preparing the "Last Supper"
Bet ya all didn't know this.. The teachers were busy learning how to make the dove in the other corner~!!
Discussion discussion.. HOW ah?
... I guess, they don't have time to dispose the rubbish?
Chris oh.. what you planning there? Or pose for GAYA only?
Yup, it's time to draw! Without your HANDS~!!
Ok ok.. chill chill.. don't "ter-choke"...
Ok.. very easy one la.. er... straw-thru-string, or string-thru-straw?
Yes, the entire team is BACKING you behind~!! (^^)~
Ready to "pecut"!
OK~! I bet ya all sure don't UNDERSTAND this picture one.. This is Oliver Teh running at the speed of.. er.. "the camera shutter". How I know? Look at the "bayang" left by his t-shirt, that "Seputih" logo.. *aiyh ya, next time I upload him wearing the shirt ok? Then you all will understand..*
Regina looks BAD, Fiona looks.. WORRIED~!
John ah, don't floss your teeth with that la, later no teeth liao lo~!!!
Input session~ You know what they answered before this screen came up? "The fruits of the Holy Spirits are durian, rambutan, manggo..." (^^")
1, 2, 3...! *chee-chak*
When Juliana is not playing organ in church, she teaches little children how to be good disciples.. (^^)
Think hard.. think hard.. what to write ah?
Fiona... feeling YOUNG le~ (^^)~
No la, I don't think Big-J is sleeping there la.. he's just... er... thinking? (^^")~
It's TALENT-TIME~!! Teachers and learners doing a fantastic job dancing!
The play by standard 1 and 2 learners.. and parents too~!! *They're gonna feed the.. 5000! In the hall got about 100.. sure enough la~!*
Anything for the play.. *Sorry, kinda forgotten what they were acting about..* (^^")And the spot-light for the night! *Big-J's the one receiving the flowers la.. not the other way round.. (^^)*
Chris, waiting... waiting...
The stickers for memory... first ever in Jesus Camp!
Yes~! All set and ready to go!
Mr. Chris... why shy shy?
Lunch in the next door Kopi-thiam in PD before the learners arrive...
Welcome to Jesus Camp VI in Le Paris Hotel and Resort, PD~
Set up for the ROLL~! And yes, we have DRUMS~!!!
Of course we couldn't miss out the Welcome-Drink!!
House rules and introduction... What to expect from this camp?
Ice-breaking time! Man, don't they look excited?
Looks like Waltz in the Air to me~!
Let's not forget the teachers~!
I guess, it must be a dance theme that the teachers are using~
Done with intro, ready for GAMES~!!
Fiona jie-jie to tell ya all what to do, and what NOT to do~! *Susan jie-jie sure looks happy~*
Jesus camp was held in PD for 3 days...
After all the preparation and effort that we put in...
The camp was.. FANTASTIC~!!!
Praise the Lord,
WE ALL DID IT~!!! \(T~T)/
Do have some nice rest and sleep yeah~!!
er.... more updates soon to come lah..
I know I kinda slept the most, but still... (^^")
To be continue soon...
... OK...
Come to think of it ah, it's not easy to blog about the things that happened for the past 3 days..
I'll most likely upload pictures, and let's see if I can arrange something about the "voices of the learners" thingy... hehehehe (^^)~
Till then, stay TUNED lor~
It really has been fast..
One week since the meeting that I posted about..
Another 5 more days before Jesus Camp~!!
Since we're incharge of the activities, we'll just have to prepare all the "ka-chang" for it as well..
Today, a few of us gathered in Caryn's place to prepare the "ka-chang" for the treasure hunt, which is "the Most Ka-Chang Activity"..
Yeah, here you can see Paul and Caryn busy busy planning using the comp.. there were typing and searching for a lot of stuff... Wikipedia? (^^)~
And here's dai-lou Andrew and Fiona making the tags that will be used in one of the stations..
Eh, no easy task you know? It kinda took us a packet of Chicken/Char-Siew/Siew-Yoke Rice to figure out how to finish all these tags in the SHORTEST TIME~!! *Yes.. and WE DID IT~!!*
Oh.. this is a RARE scene..
Paul, for the sake of the "ACCESS" to another station, was learning how to make ORIGAMI using the all time favourite YouTube~!! (^^)~
Yeah.. it's no easy task..
We work and yawn and work and continue to strive to complete all..
See.. even LambChop was worn out~!!
Well... God brought us there, He will bring us through as well~!! (^^)~
Have a nice week everyone~
God Bless~
Yo ho ho ho~!!
Let me introduce myself..
Muah-name Regina, will be your NEW blogger/writer for this HRC Youth bloggy~ (^^)~
So yeah, with the 2 other bloggers/writers busying with work and class, I.. the MORE FREE one will be updating you about the happenings in church and also in the Youth group la~
An update for today.. teacher's meeting was held in the afternoon to discuss about Jesus Camp.
Andrew and Paul Chuah were not in KL, so they sent "God's Angels" there la.. (Susan jie-jie, Fiona and I)
You all should see the GAYA Susan jie-jie had with the 2 of us sitting on her left and right side.. Like those judge, with 2 assistants beside to discuss those "sap-sui" matters..
As you can see, cracking up heads ain't easy.. Even "right-hand" Fiona was having a tough time thinking a solution for it...
*ok.. ok.. Fiona's just happend to lay her hands on her head while I took this picture without them realizing la..*
Anyway, we just roughly UPDATED them about what kinda activity we'll be having, but we kept the details to ourselves (^^)~ *surprise mah..*
So yeah~ I believe that we'll be having our own meeting when both the "Dai-Lou"s come back, and till then.. please take care yeah~!! (^^)~
Have a nice week ahead
God Bless~