I kinda only remembered that I haven't updated the blog about the Feast Day... hahaha (^^")
OK, here goes!
Last Saturday was HRC's Feast Day!
To start it off... the weather wasn't really bright and shiny in the afternoon...I went to church early just so that I could get myself a nice parking space, cause they cannot allow the cars to park like the usual Saturday and Sunday masses since procession will be going on right after mass...
So yeah, it was raining... and it was really a heavy pour when I reached there... Inside church, everyone was busy doing/preparing something...
We had both the Chinese and English group musicians for mass... and it was really superb!!
Tents were set up to cater for more people... this is the left side of the church, er... I don't really know if there is also a tent on the right side... ;p
Mass ended.. and so did the rain.. and procession along with the praying of the rosary took place.
Of all, these little flower girls were the ones having the BEST TIMES of their life! They were pretty much enjoying "sprinkling" everyone and everywhere with flower petals! (^^)
After that, it was DINNER TIME! *church calls it FELLOWSHIP...*Zinc roof and tents were set up earlier in the day, and it was very much the driest place in church that day...
Each BEC prepared something special for everyone to feast on... I didn't manage to take any other picture of this scene, there were TOO MANY people and it was really over crowded! *and I was hungry too...* (^^")In the hall, we have our very own Youth group *and specially invited Vima~* performing the entire night for the people..
We also specially invite our visiting priest *er.. I forgot his name, but I know he is from St. Ignatius Church* to go up stage and sing for us! He sang "You Raise Me Up" with powerful voice like Josh Gorban's!
Well, the Youth Ministry was called to ASSIST in the cleaning up...
But when our performers are done with performance, we realized that the place was pretty much cleaned up by everyone who stayed and helped. And so the performers had their dinner, and thank goodness they kept food for them!Yup... this was how it looked like... All the other tables were kept aside... We had the EXCLUSIVE table all to ourselves, with Father Daniel and Aunty Elaina kept asking the performers to eat more...
After that, all that was left was to pack and keep the instruments and... yeah... lots and lots of jumbled up cables.
Oh oh... something that really caught our attention in the hall was...
The hall was fully deco-ed with BALLOONS this year...
We wonder WHY... hrm... *and some of them looks SCARY... and EVIL...*
That rounds up the Feast Day this year.
What's next in line?
Well, I'm not sure... I think it is about time to get ready for Christmas caroling~! Hahaha, how time FLIES!
Have a nice weekend everyone!
God bless