Latest in HRC updates! (actually this is a little outdated..but some of you may not have heard about it..)
Now we all know that Uncle Paul has recently bought an electronic drum set for Phelan to play with us during mass. You should know it too, and even if you've been dozing off in mass like me, it would be almost impossible not to notice the presence of the drum set (and the drum beat).

However, just when we thought that this was a brilliant move to rope in the younger generations, Father Daniel decides to BAN the drums. Of course, you would agree with me that this does not make any sense at all. Why ban the drums when it blends in nicely with the other instruments?

According to Father Daniel, the drums produced a rather loud and unsettling sound which he 
wasn't comfortable with.  But helo? This is an ELECTRONIC drum set, not an aquistic one. How is it still loud when we can control the master volume from the mixer and set itself?
To prove my point, he has no complain whatsoever when Fiona uses the drum beats on her keyboard. Weird huh?? Guess what, they both sound almost identical! (except quality maybe abit different lah)

Majority of the people who's opinion we seeked has given positive feedback on the drumset.
Yes, of course we had planned to incorporate the drums into the weekly band-on-duty to produce even more lively music. Many of you should be well aware that the amount of active youth in our church are declining at an alarming rate over the years, with mostly the older generations filling in the gap. Music was among the various long-term solutions to bring back the youth to our church, which can be proven by monitoring more
modern Catholic churches such as SFX, Assumption, SIC and etc. These churches
have a rather powerful youth foundation, and it doesn't surprise me if it all started from music.
As the saying goes, a song is a 100 times more powerful than a prayer. (Don't know if its true or not)

Aunty Anne even had an argument with Father Daniel regarding this matter. After all, its just an issue regarding a drum set and it's availability. Is it worth getting ourselves ripped apart over this issue?

What do you think?

It has been HRC english speaking youth ministry's tradition to hold a bible sharing meeting during the 1st Sunday of every month.  However, it seemed kinda obvious that with the more amount of bible sharings we hold, the less the number of participants. Kinda like an inverse graph, get it?

Guess what, even Aunty Susan also lazy to attend! Heh.

We buka puasa as usual after mass. No free meals from the youth funds this time...aiyer, next time don't want to attend already. Oops.

Brother Andrew Ho was desperately trying to rope in some of the kids there but to no avail. All these kids there are either too cool, too busy or too lansi-lanyongtaufu to give a hoot about our presence.

In the end, this was how small the group had become. What a sight for sore eyes!
However, Bridget and another guy came later and joined not so bad lah, although the number still could be counted be two hands.

Who says bible sharing can't be fun? See, even the ever-serious Juliana can manage a smile and laugh along as well.

Our topic for discussion today was 'Faith' and what it meant to us.

Juliana asked me whether I had listen to what the readings were about during mass. Sorry to say but I did not pay enough attention to remember what it was about. With my quick thinking, I diverted the question to the Paul Chuah who was sitting opposite me, hoping to push the responsibility on someone else.

What do you know? He doesn't listen as well.

And it's not just the both of us. Even Clarice, Bridget, Regina, etc also doesn't listen to the sermons or readings.

So we found out today that most of us don't listen to readings. Hmm, do we actually even pay attention during mass itself? A question to ponder on.

Maybe of course, with the exception of Brother Andrew.

We proceeded to talked about faith and stuff and other related matters which I can't possibly remember. And bla bla bla, yada yada yada...and the end!

Or else nothing la. What could we possibly do to you?

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