The Holy Week begins.. Palm Sunday.. whereby the Jesus, riding on a donkey, was welcomed by the folks of Jerusalem waving palms in the air..
And as a usual custom for our parish, we have the blessing of palms at the main entrance of the church, followed by a procession around the church compound..
"All Hail King Jesus!!"And the procession begins..!!
Peeping from inside the church..See you guys thus coming Thursday, the HRC Youth Ministry is to do Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 900pm-930pm (can someone confirm if our slot time is correct?)
Holy Week Mass Times:
Holy Thursday (20th March 2008) - 700pm (English & Mandarin)
Good Friday (21st March 2008) - 230pm (Mandarin) / 700pm (English)
Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil (22nd March 2008) - 730pm (Mandarin) / 1030pm (English)
Easter Sunday (23rd March 2008) - 830am (English) / 1030am (Mandarin)
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