Coffee Morning~

So... what was "Hip and Happening" lately in HRC?

We had a COFFEE MORNING by the Confirmation 2 students to raise fund for the play~

OK... this time, I really think that I don't need to do much of the "typing"... picture tells it all~

*this is the very first time we have a chocolate fondue machine for coffee morning!!!*

As you can see... there were really A WHOLE LOT of FOOD~
And best of all, they are CHEAP for a fund raising coffee morning!

I thought it was more like a BAZAAR FOOD SALE instead...

So.. how did the people in church "react" to it?

Haha~! Caught cha!

Yes... they are all wearing their HAPPY faces~

BRAVO to the all the students, teachers and parents that participated!
I really think they made this a HUGE SUCCESS!

Bravo Bravo~!!!



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